15 Best Educational Baby Toys & Games

educational baby toys

Playtime is a crucial part of your baby’s development. Baby educational toys and games can help stimulate their senses, promote cognitive and motor skills, and even strengthen their bond with you. We’ve put together a list of the best educational baby toys available in Australia from Shichida plus fun games you can play with your child at home.

Educational toys for babies and toddlers

Make play time fun and educational with our list of recommended baby educational games and toys!

Babies Educational Toys

Alphabet Chart 

Children aged 6 months to 4 years old

One of Shichida’s educational baby toys to learn the English alphabet, this fun animal alphabet chart will help your baby develop literacy skills. With both upper and lowercase letters displayed on the poster, your children can connect letters with pictures and sounds.

alphabet chart

Find the Chicks! 6 Eggs Set 

Children aged 6 months to 6 years old

Our pick of educational toys for babies under 12 months, this colourful and versatile toy that can be used to teach children basic concepts such as colours, spatial recognition, and order. With 6 chicks in different colours, egg capsules, and an egg container, children can develop their dexterity and imagination while playing games and solving problems

IMPORTANT: Parents should supervise young children due to small parts that could pose a choking hazard.

Find the Chicks! 6 Eggs Set

Famous Picture Cards

Children aged 6 months to 9 years old

Introduce your child to historically famous artworks from around the world. With 120 A5-sized flashcards featuring the works of various artists, children can improve their memory, vocabulary, and general knowledge while learning about art and culture. Enjoy years of learning with these cards –  this is one of our suggested educational toys for babies 6-12 months and up to 9 years.

You can also introduce Famous Place Flashcards to further expand your child’s knowledge.

Famous Picture Cards

Panda Domino Number Set 

Children aged 2 to 5 years old

The Panda Domino Number Set is a fun way to teach kids basic maths concepts with a variety of games to practise number arrangement and identification. The set also helps improve hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills and dexterity, and teaches colour identification.

Panda Domino Number Set

Sing Together! Vol 1: Numbers and Counting

Children aged 1 to 9 years old

Sing Together! Vol 1: Numbers and Counting is a CD featuring 14 songs designed for young children to learn important basic maths concepts, improve pronunciation and enrich their vocabulary and language comprehension through songs. 

There are also two other volumes available: Volume 2 with songs about “Alphabet and Words” and Volume 3 with songs about “Everyday basics”.

Sing Together! Vol 1: Numbers and Counting

1st Stage Set – Early Education Learning Set, Basic Concepts

6 months to 4 years old

The 1st Stage Set is an early education learning set that teaches basic concepts such as colours, shapes, sizes, numbers, quantities, spatial recognition, comparisons, and order. 

The set includes 9 learning packs with a variety of learning tools, such as flashcards, shape and colour cards and cubes, and card matching boards.

1st Stage Set - Early Education Learning Set, Basic Concepts

Edison Chopsticks 

Kids aged 2 years and older

Washable and food-safe training chopsticks set that helps children practice the correct chopstick holding technique, promoting hand-eye coordination, fine and visual motor skills, finger isolation, manipulation, and strengthening hands and developing dexterity. The silicon rings are soft, flexible, and suitable for a variety of finger sizes, making it easy to hold.

Edison Chopsticks

Cho Cho Ban

Children aged 2 to 7 years old

Cho Cho Ban is one of the baby educational toys designed to improve critical thinking, concentration, and fine motor skills.  It includes basic and advanced shape challenges that help develop spatial and shape awareness, while enhancing problem-solving and organisational skills. 

Our educational products are imported from Japan and support the Shichida Method for children aged 6 months to 9 years old. While the instructions are in Japanese, they’re easy to use and can be adapted as your child grows – enjoy years of benefits from each toy!

cho cho ban

Baby educational games

Encourage your baby’s development (6+ months) with these fun activities at home. 

Name body parts

Play this simple game with your child to promote body awareness and language development.

  • Play with your baby using a feather.
  • Call out a body part name and gently tickle that body part.
  • For example, say “Where is your hand? Your hand is here!” and tickle the hand.

Sing alphabet song

Singing the alphabet song helps babies recognise letters, sounds, and rhythm while promoting memory skills.

  • Sing the alphabet song to your baby often and make it fun!
  • Clap hands to the beat as you sing and stamp your feet, dance, hop – don’t hold back!
  • Your baby is absorbing the information.

Colour matching game

As babies learn colour names, their colour recognition, sorting skills, and language development improve. 

  • Collect a few items of basic colours.
  • For example, 3 red toys and 3 yellow toys.
  • Place the red toys into a red container, and the yellow toys into a yellow container.
  • Speak clearly as you take each step in your actions.
  • Your baby is observing, listening and learning as you demonstrate!
  • Your baby will indicate when they are ready to try sorting themselves – guide them and praise their efforts!

Fine motor skills practise using pincer grasp

Helps develop fine motor skills needed for writing and other daily activities.

  • Demonstrate picking up and dropping small items into a narrow opening.
  • A piggy bank with large plastic coins is a good example.
  • Demonstrate to and then guide your baby to pick up the small items using the thumb and index finger.
  • Practise this often!

Learn about objects and shapes

Encourage vocabulary and cognitive development as babies learn about different objects and shapes in their environment.

  • Tell your baby the name of the object, the use it has and the shape it has of objects that you see around you from day to day.
  • For example, when playing with a ball, say “Look, this is a ball. We can play with it. The ball is round!”
  • When using a washcloth, say “Look, this is a washcloth, we can clean with it, it is square!”
  • This will help your baby grow their vocabulary and understanding of the world around them as they are learning when you teach them the name, use and shape of objects around them.

Count to 3

Promotes early maths skills while improving language development and memory.

  • Collect 3 containers and mark them clearly with the numbers 1-3.
  • Collect 6 items that will fit the containers (for example blocks) and 3 beloved toys for example teddy bears.
  • Place a teddy behind each container.
  • Tell your baby that each teddy wants a certain amount of the items.
  • Show them and remember to speak clearly, describing the actions you take as you do this activity.
  • Count out loud as you place the blocks into the containers.

Feel the fabric

Helps your little one explore and develop their sense of touch and tactile awareness.

  • Dig into your wardrobe and select soft and tactile clothing, such as a cashmere sweater, favourite jeans or silky robe.
  • Show your baby the soft fabrics and run them over their face, hands, and feet.
  • Lay fuzzy sweaters or other textured fabrics on the floor and put your baby on top of them.
  • Allow your baby to explore the textures of the fabrics.
  • In a few months, your baby will want to explore more embellished fabrics by running their hands over anything beaded or embroidered.

Shop our full range of Shichida educational toys for babies in Australia today.

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